Saturday, July 18, 2009

Mom's Been Busy

... well, kind of.
We haven't been in agility class for a while, since mum's work schedule changed, but she has been doing lots of fiber crafts in the meantime.

Here's a pic of some of the first stuff she ever spun, it's from my older pup-brother, Nikita, who is over the Rainbow Bridge now. (He's that Black and White guy behind me in my profile photo).

And, having been taught how to knit earlier this year, she made a hat with the first-spun Nikita in it.

She's also been spinning more, below is a pic of some more Nikita fluff that's been plied with some white alpaca fluff that mum also spun...

...and a photo of Rita and Tony's Sibes' fluff, blended (carded) with Mauch Chunky "Blueberry Ice" roving, rolled it into rolags, and then spun into this neat stuff, huh?!

I'll just have to get a pic of the bags and bags of fluff she's plucked off of me and my new pup-brother, Nikko! Darn fuzzy butt blowing. She just can't control herself.

Until then... wags and woos to yunz.
Nikolai ^..^

Saturday, January 03, 2009

It's Been A While

Sorry guys...
I've been busy playing agility and eating potato chips.
Interesting thing: Mum has learned to spin.
Not on a bike (stationary or otherwise)... but spin fluff, my fluff!
Ok, so she's really only done Nikita so far... and a little alpaca.
But, it's fun!
Other than the constant "butt-plucking" she does on me and Nikko, for her fluff-harvesting. Lots of paper grocery bags full of our fluff are gathering around the house.
Right now, she's spinning some "Gretta", a Bernese Mt. Dog from our agility class. Maybe we can talk some Sammy or Mal people into donating some of their fuzz so she'll stop "collecting" us? (It's longer and supposed to be easier to spin, anyways).
More news....
Mum just learned how to knit over the holiday, too... I wonder what she'll end up making once she gets a hang of those needle things. Something out of her "Chiengora", out of Nikita, maybe... ? That could mean more pucking... for more spinning, for more yarn for some knitting? I gotta go find me a bully stick to chew while I think about this.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Here I am, this is me!

Here's my pic, my older pup, so-called, brother, Nikita, is camouflaging my gimpy ear.